Pittsburgh TV Station Fires Employee Responsible for Tom Brady ‘Known Cheater’ Graphic

(Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)

This may have seemed like a grand idea at the time, but now a guy is out of a job for it.

On Monday afternoon, KDKA’s 4 o’clock news was on and ran a graphic about the upcoming Super Bowl featuring the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams. When Pats QB Tom Brady came on the screen, a graphic at the bottom of his name stated he was a ‘known cheater.’

You could have bought a Tom Brady 'Cheater' Patriots jersey on NFL's  website (PHOTOS) - nj.com

It was certainly funny for the people who saw it and when it made the rounds on social media for a few hours. The powers to be at the news station didn’t see it that way, so the employee responsible for the graphic is no longer employed by the station, a spokesperson told SI.com.


“While fans are entitled to have personal opinions, we have a journalistic responsibility to provide unbiased reporting,” KDKA said in a statement to SI.com. “The graphic that appeared Monday violated our news standards. The individual who created the graphic no longer works for KDKA-TV.”

Imagine trying to find a new job and explaining you calling Tom Brady a cheater as the reason why you were fired from your previous job.


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