Jason Momoa Exposes Oprah & The Rock’s EVIL Maui Donation Scam (VIDEO)-lh

The text discusses the aftermath of the Maui wildfires and the involvement of celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson in fundraising efforts for the victims. Initially, there is criticism of Oprah and Johnson for allegedly soliciting donations from the public despite their immense wealth. Jason Momoa also voices his disapproval of their actions, accusing them of deceitfully using his name to advocate for financial support. However, it’s revealed that both Oprah and Johnson have initiated a relief fund called “The People’s Fund of Maui” with an initial donation of $10 million. Despite their philanthropic efforts, there are speculations and conspiracy theories regarding their motives, particularly in relation to Oprah’s extensive land holdings on Maui. While Oprah has been actively engaging with fire victims and providing assistance, questions arise about the lack of damage to her properties and rumors of missing children during her visits. The text ends with a call for discernment and critical thinking amidst the ongoing controversies surrounding the celebrities’ involvement in the Maui wildfires relief efforts.



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