In a Boss Move, Ben Affleck Spotted Smoking Right in Front of Jennifer Lopez Despite Rumors ‘Control Freak’ Wife Wants Him to Stop

Despite warnings from Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck was spotted smoking inside their car

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez proved that second chances at love do exist. Nearly 20 years after their initial romance crumbled, the two stars ignited the fire once more, and went one step further by sealing the deal with marriage. Lopez and Affleck have since been photographed at all major events looking very much the happily married couple.


Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez in Gigli

The rumor mills though, have been churning out certain details that could indicate that there are a few challenges in their relationship. According to certain reports, Jennifer Lopez was not in favor of Ben Affleck’s chain smoking habit, and had requested him to quit. The latest images of the Oscar winner lighting up next to the Latina singer in their luxury car, seems to indicate that he is nowhere near quitting.


Ben Affleck Not Ready to Quit Smoking Just Yet For Jennifer Lopez?

Huge talent and impeccable qualities can also be interspersed with a few vices. While Ben Affleck has been an inspiration for many actors to emulate, he is also known for his less favorable habit of chain smoking. With his wife Jennifer Lopez, an ardent health enthusiast, allegedly making it clear that he must give it up, there were speculations about whether Affleck would heed her words.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck doesn’t look to have quit his smoking habit

But recent images that have surfaced have shown that the Argo director may not be ready as yet to quit completely, while also putting on an air of defiance towards Lopez by lighting up beside her in their luxurious Rolls Royce. Further more, Affleck’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their 11 year old son were also reportedly spotted travelling in the car.


While the reports about there being trouble in paradise for Affleck and Lopez due to these issues are still only unconfirmed rumors, it remains to be seen if the Oscar winning star does in fact, follow his wife’s advice to give up smoking altogether.

Ben Affleck Gushed About ‘Superhuman’ Jennifer Lopez

Despite the rumor mills working overtime regarding Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s relationship, the fact remains that the Gone Girl star is completely besotted with his wife, even more than he was when they first met 20 years ago. Following their wedding in 2022, Affleck has, on numerous occasions, gushed about Lopez’s qualities and abilities. In an appearance in The Drew Barrymore Show, the actor elaborated on what he admired about the Jenny from the Block singer.

“The work ethic is real, the discipline is very real. But also the superhuman thing is real,”


Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck believes Jennifer Lopez is superhuman

Affleck went on to add that he thought Lopez was the most beautiful woman he had seen, and someone who believed in discipline, health and a positive lifestyle.


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