Fantasia & Danielle Brooks SLAMS Oprah For Not Paying & Starving Them On Set-lh

It appears that Taraji P. Henson’s revelations about Oprah Winfrey’s treatment on the set of “The Color Purple” were not isolated incidents, as now Fantasia and Danielle Brooks are sharing their own experiences, shedding light on the extent of mistreatment.

According to them, Oprah not only severely underpaid them for their roles in the movie but also denied them the benefits they deserved. The situation took a darker turn as they disclosed that they didn’t even have their own dressing rooms on set and were not provided with food.

The shocking revelations expose a disturbing pattern of mistreatment on Oprah’s part, raising questions about fairness and equality, especially given her prominence as a black woman in the industry. The irony of a movie with a $100 million budget not adequately compensating its actors and failing to provide basic amenities like dressing rooms and meals is hard to ignore.


Taraji P. Henson’s initial statements about being underpaid and almost walking away from the movie due to a low offer now find resonance in the narratives of Fantasia and Danielle Brooks. This unfolding saga challenges the narrative of Oprah as a champion for black women’s rights, revealing a stark contrast between her public image and the alleged mistreatment behind the scenes.

As the industry reckons with issues of equality, fairness, and mistreatment, these revelations contribute to a broader conversation about the treatment of black women in Hollywood. The industry’s standards and practices, as highlighted by these actresses, underscore the need for systemic changes to ensure that all actors are treated with the respect, fairness, and dignity they deserve, regardless of their race or gender.


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