Angelina Jolie and Gordon Ramsay join hands against ‘woke’ food culture: ‘Taste follows the times’

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay have teamed up to spearhead a bold campaign against what they term as the ‘Woke’ food culture. Their initiative, named ‘Taste Over Trends,’ aims to refocus culinary appreciation on the fundamental aspects of taste and quality rather than following fleeting food trends driven by social and political ideologies.

Jolie and Ramsay, both known for their discerning tastes and uncompromising standards, believe that food should be celebrated for its flavor, texture, and craftsmanship rather than its alignment with ever-changing societal norms. The campaign advocates for a return to culinary authenticity and the exploration of diverse flavors without the constraints of ideological labels.

With their combined influence and passion for excellence in food, Jolie and Ramsay’s ‘Taste Over Trends’ campaign has sparked discussions within the food industry and among food enthusiasts. While some applaud the initiative for promoting a deeper appreciation of culinary artistry, others question the feasibility of divorcing food from cultural and social contexts. The campaign’s impact on the culinary landscape remains a topic of interest and debate.

The Christmas dinner can feel like a daunting task, given that it’s the focal point of the big day. Sure, the presents are nice and all… But pigs in blankets will always mean more to people than personalised socks and novelty ties, so the pressure’s on.

To help put your mind at ease amid all the chaos, Gordon Ramsay has offered his top tips for prepping the feast – saying you should get started today.

According to Ramsay, making a dent in the prep on Christmas Eve will help ensure ‘huge success’ when everyone sits down together to tuck in, while also stopping you from getting too flustered the following day.

He shared his tips with The Jonathan Ross Show, which posted them on the show’s TikTok feed.

Ramsay said: “Top tips to make sure your Christmas Day goes down as a huge success – prep the day before.


“Christmas Eve, get all the family – uncles and aunties, grandmas, peeling the veg. Part cook the veg.”

He also believes there are a number of other simple tricks to help ensure you’re well organised, including with that turkey, which seems to be many people’s nemesis.

Ramsay reckons you should start prepping the day before.

Matthew Ashmore/Alamy Stock Photo

Ramsay continued: “Everyone worries about that turkey. Honestly, first thing, half past five, six-o’clock in the morning, put the oven on low.

“Nip back to bed for a few hours, and get yourself a plan with an ABCD, 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock.”

Most importantly, however, is not letting the stress of it all get to you, as it’s supposed to be a fun day for everyone, including the cook.

“Stop worrying about calling lunch too early,” Ramsay said.

“Push it back to three or four o’clock. That way, you don’t stress out. You’ve got to enjoy it as well.”

Even the turkey doesn't have to be stressful.

Magdalena Bujak/Alamy Stock Photo

In another video posted by the show, he also revealed his favourite part of the Christmas dinner – for which he had a very cheffy answer.

“The most amazing truffled stuffed turkey, with all the trappings,” he said, before adding: “And every member of the family present.”

Don’t feel too bad if you haven’t got your truffle stuffed turkey on standby this year; like I said earlier, we all know everyone’s really there for the pigs in blankets – which, incidentally, was the answer astronaut Tim Peake and comedian Rob Beckett gave.

Featured Image Credit: jrossshow/tiktok


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