Ben Affleck cut adrift from both Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Lopez: Sick of his moaning

Lopez and Affleck have been on the cusp of divorce for weeks

Ben Affleck cut adrift from both Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Lopez: Sick of his moaning

Ben Affleck‘s feud and marital decline with Jennifer Lopez has even started to make his close friends sick of him as his ex-wife Jennifer Garner wears thin of trying to save the 51-year-old’s marriage to the pop star.

Despite getting married to the 55-year-old Lopez in 2022, they’re hitting the rocks and are trying to sell their home following what appears to be irretrievable differences in how they handle their work loads and the paparazzi.

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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck angry while Ben argues with a paparazzi

Affleck, known for his roles in Batman and Pearl Harbor, has moved into a $100,000 apartment in Brentwood, California, whilst Lopez hasn’t been spotted with him since early in the year although she still hangs out with her stepdaughter.

As someone heavily invested in his life after their marriage from 2005-2018, Jennifer Garner has fought to try to keep his second shot at matrimony alive but now she is even beginning to feel a need to pull back as it begins to damage her own relationship with John Miller.

Jen‘s always been a problem solver,” a source told “But Ben‘s problems with J.Lo are beginning to cause tensions with John

, and that’s the last thing she wants.

Jen let Ben know it’s his mess to clean up alone – and she’s out of it. He’s officially on his own.”

Breaking away is the right call says relationship expert

Miller, aged 46, has reportedly grown frustrated with the time Garner has committed to Affleck, which has cost them weekends and moments together as she essentially plays marriage counsellor for the middle-aged man.

Relationship coach, Dr. Gilda Carle, notes that it’s important for Garner to focus on her own marriage to Miller and to avoid the potentially triggering memories of her own split with Affleck which could surface due to the current situation.

Jen is in love with a stable businessman,” Carle told “Her kids are becoming independent.

Ben‘s constant chaos is regurgitating painful memories of their divorce. Moving away from Ben is a healthy move for her – and her relationship with Mr. Miller.”


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